Nonprofits deserve better technology.

This was the premise under which we launched in 2017. We’d encountered one too many donation forms that proved to be exercises in mental gymnastics rather than easy ways to give.

So we introduced nonprofits to the checkout, a technology typically used on e-commerce websites to increase sales conversion.

We hypothesized that the for-profit practices driving sales growth at retailers would similarly lead to greater giving for nonprofits. It was the right call.

Everybody has an ability and willingness to give — we call it their generosity potential. Our mission is to unlock this potential by optimizing how people give.

We accomplish this through our donation platform. It helps nonprofits engage more supporters and grow revenue by providing easy ways to increase conversion, enable modern payment methods, and personalize the giving experience for every donor.

If you’d like to learn more about Fundraise Up, enter your information and a team member will follow up.

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