Professional development is key. We can help.
They say a rising tide lifts all boats.
And that’s certainly true in the nonprofit and fundraising sector, where the overwhelming consensus seems to be that there’s enough to go around and that the healthier, more professional, and more trustworthy the sector is, the better it is for nonprofits overall.
And the tide is rising. Giving USA reports that, “American individuals, bequests, foundations and corporations gave an estimated $449.64 billion to U.S. charities in 2019, placing it among the highest years ever for charitable giving.”
There are lots of reasons for that, but chief among them is the fact that donor trust, which had been on the downswing not that long ago, is on the rise. There are lots of reasons for that too, but chief among those is the professionalization of fundraising.
Professional development is key. Nonprofits are focusing more than ever on transparency, accountability, diversity and equity and other factors that help make the giving public more comfortable giving.
It’s all good news. But, let’s face facts… there are more than a million nonprofit organizations in the United States, and everyone is jostling to get their fair share of the increasing donor dollars.
Those whose fundraising will keep them afloat are those whose fundraisers work with a balance of the brand new and the tried and true.
That’s why ongoing fundraiser education is so important.
NonprofitLibrary is your partner in professional development. We believe in nonprofits and the good work they do in the world. We believe in you.
That’s why we’re so happy you’ve joined the Nonprofit Library family!
Thanks for being here!
– Your friends at NonprofitLibrary
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