getting started with Scrum for your Nonprofit

How do you eat an elephant? Read on! 9 tips on getting started with Scrum for your Nonprofit So, how do you eat an elephant? Desmond Tutu is known to have said there’s only one way: one bite at a time. Agile project management — which breaks down big projects into smaller, less intimidating chunks […]

Canva for Nonprofits

Canva for Nonprofits Frees Up Great Minds for Creative Thinking Your organization’s brand is sacrosanct. It’s your promise. It’s who you are, it’s what you do, and it’s why you exist.  The way you present your brand, and the way you make that promise to your donors, your constituents, and the general public are through […]

Your nonprofit can benefit from agile project management

Your nonprofit can benefit from agile project management   Agile, adjective ag·​ile | \ ˈa-jəl  , -ˌjī(-ə)l  \ marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace: an agile dancer having a quick resourceful and adaptable character: an agile mind   Agility isn’t something you see a whole lot of when it comes to […]

Nonprofit fundraising is changing

Don’t blink! Nonprofit fundraising is changing fast Nonprofit Library is here to help you keep up   Picture it: It’s the early ‘90s and, like most nonprofits, your organization has a shiny, but static, website with some pictures, your mission statement, contact info and a big, red DONATE button at the bottom. Maybe at the […]

Save Your Superpowers for What Really Matters

Agile For Nonprofits Can Help You Organize, Collaborate Better Save Your Superpowers for What Really Matters It’s no secret that fundraisers and those who work in the nonprofit sectors are superheroes. After all, you make incredible things happen that make the world a better place. But too often your “heroics” translate into things like overtime, […]

What magic is this, you ask? The Daily Scrum

“Hey, let’s have another meeting!” – said no one ever (and meant it, like deep down really meant it). So it seems counterintuitive then that organizations that have dialed into the SCRUM framework of Agile methodology would be advocating for adding a daily meeting to everyone’s already crowded workload. But the Daily Scrum is an […]

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